Impact Reports

Impact Reports

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Regeneration Report

We are combatting climate change head-on by regenerating landscapes, fostering healthier soils, enhancing biodiversity, and sequestering carbon.

An investment in WOA is more than a financial decision - it is a choice to support a business that is actively creating positive, dynamic change. We offer everyone an opportunity to make a difference, through their choices, their interactions, and their investments. Together, we can create an impact that will echo through generations.

Download Our Regeneration Report

Download Assessing Crop Rotations Article



WOA undertakes a full Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) assessment.


Wide Open Agriculture in partnership with Perth NRM & Integrated Futures are supporting our Dirty Clean Food farmer suppliers to undertake a full Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) assessment.

So what is Natural Capital? Natural Capital in our farming systems include soil and water that grow crops and pastures, vegetation that provides food and shelter for livestock and regulates the micro-climate for crops, and the native animals (e.g., insects, reptiles, mammals, birds) that provide services such as pollination, nutrient cycling, pest control and waste decomposition.

An NCA report allows our farmers to measure and manage the elements of their natural capital that underpin their whole farm business. It helps them get a clearer understanding of the contribution that natural capital makes to the overall financial performance of their farm. NCA also provides them with the confidence they are moving in the right direction in building healthy soil (rich in carbon), enhancing biodiversity and protecting their water cycle. In 2021 two of our farmer suppliers participated in Phase 1 of this exciting new project, with a further five our farmers undertaking Phase 2 assessments by the end of 2022. For Wide Open Agriculture, it will greatly assist us in reporting our Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) requirements to stakeholders, investors & customers.



WOA has identified carbon as our key measure of impact.


Carbon is an excellent proxy measure for ecosystem health. WOA is committed to sequestering carbon through regenerative farming practices to tackle accelerating climate change. Our key practices to sequester carbon and reduce emissions are; scale up regenerative farming practices across Western Australia, increase access to plant-based food and drinks, eliminate food waste and reduce emissions in transport and refrigeration. We have committed to become carbon neutral operationally by 2023.

As a starting point, we have registered WOA Corporate and OatUp as carbon neutral with Climate Active

WOA Climate Active PDS WOA Carbon Neutral Certificate Dirty Clean Food Oat Milk Climate Active PDS