ASX Announcements 2022

19 Dec 2022 Notification of regarding unquoted securities - WOA VIEW
14 Dec 2022 Listing Rule 3.16.4 disclosure VIEW
14 Dec 2022 Appointment of new CEO and transition of Managing Director VIEW
05 Dec 2022 Global sampling of Buntine Protein commences VIEW
02 Dec 2022 Notification regarding unquoted securities - WOA VIEW
02 Dec 2022 Notification of cessation of securities - WOA VIEW
02 Dec 2022 Cleansing Notice VIEW
02 Dec 2022 Change of Directors Interest Notice x 5 VIEW
02 Dec 2022 Application for quotation of securities - WOA VIEW
29 Nov 2022 Results of Annual General Meeting VIEW
29 Nov 2022 AGM Presentation VIEW
18 Nov 2022 Cleansing Notice VIEW
18 Nov 2022 Application for quotation of securities - WOA VIEW
28 Oct 2022 Notice of Annual General Meeting-Proxy Form VIEW
17 Oct 2022 Appendix 4C and Quarterly Update - Sep 22 VIEW
07 Sep 2022 WOA & MBX partner on plant-based foods, east coast expansion VIEW
07 Sep 2022 Cleansing Notice VIEW
07 Sep 2022 Application for quotation of securities - WOA VIEW
05 Sep 2022 South-East Asian Expansion Continues VIEW
31 Aug 2022 Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement VIEW
31 Aug 2022 Appendix 4E & Full Year Statutory Accounts VIEW
22 Aug 2022 Dirty Clean Food to be sold in Coles Local VIEW
10 Aug 2022 Boston Growth Conference Presentation VIEW
29 Jul 2022 Appendix 4C and Quarterly Update VIEW
07 Jul 2022 Appointment of new Chief Financial Officer VIEW
30 Jun 2022 Cleansing Notice VIEW
30 Jun 2022 Application for quotation of securities - WOA VIEW
24 Jun 2022 Eco-friendly plant-based protein facility officially opens VIEW
08 Jun 2022 Bell Potter Home Grown Agriculture Conference Presentation VIEW
24 May 2022 Oat Milk Distribution Agreement for Taiwan VIEW
23 May 2022 Buntine Protein Supply Agreement with Monde Nissin VIEW
28 Apr 2022 Appendix 4C and Quarterly Update VIEW
13 Apr 2022 Notification of cessation of securities - WOA VIEW
04 Apr 2022 Received and shipped initial oat milk orders from Woolworths VIEW
09 Mar 2022 WOA Growth Catalyst Update VIEW
21 Feb 2022 Appendix 4D & Half Year Report VIEW
04 Feb 2022 Cleansing Notice VIEW
01 Feb 2022 Update - Notification regarding unquoted securities - WOA VIEW
01 Feb 2022 Application for quotation of securities - WOA VIEW
31 Jan 2022 Appendix 4C and Quarterly Update VIEW
21 Jan 2022 Results of Meeting VIEW
21 Jan 2022 Notification regarding unquoted securities - WOA VIEW
06 Jan 2022 Oat Milk Distribution Agreement for Hong Kong and Macau VIEW